Too often we are subjected to seeing street art in the galleries sanitized and framed and hung on the walls in a white box typical manner - which slaughters the work. Street art should be seen in the urine soaked alleys of the city, slapped up and yelling at us as we walk down the street, or tucked in a corner as a welcome surprise. And since Freemans Alley is in ruins because of the weather and if you have to show it inside - not in the wild - this the way to do it. Invite 50 wheatpaste artists - old and new, veterans, newbies, and flavors of the month - and instead of asking for display works have them bring the real stuff, provide a bucket of glue, and let them paste them up, floor to ceiling. And they get to meet each other at the same time. (And I got to meet them too. I came away after shaking a few hands all sticky.) Provide a cash bar and you have a party and The Most Illegal Art Show (Wheatpaste Edition), a SacSix Speakeasy & Street Art Pop-Up, from January 28 to February 2, at that revolving exhibition space at 198 Allen.
Great works by oldtimers @CityKittyStreet, @DylanEgon, @DirkArtNYC, Al Diaz, @DirtCobain, @Hektad._official, @ConsumerArt, @Sean9Lugo, @WizardSkull, @Janzwork, @TurtleCaps, @CurbYourEgo, Blue Dog, @Clown_Soldier, @KafkaIsFamous, @ACool55, @BelowKey, @FluidTunes, @El Sol25, and of course @SacSix . There are others who I've been seeing in the streets and look forward to seeing in the streets, @AjLavilla (or Dream Big), @Android, @1penemy, @AngryElephant, @Antennae, @Baston714, @BigRonnieHustle, @CaptainEyliner, @D7606, @Dos_Wallnuts, @nycHooker, @JeffHenriquezart_, @MadVillan, @_Marco_Santini_, @RaddintonFalls, @Ratanic_Pestilencia, @RawRaffe, @ReneExors, @SaviorElMundo, @Synapse65, @UncuttArt, and the perfect gathered debris of @WhatYouWillLeaveBehind, among others.
Yes, it is a bit male heavy - but effort was made to show the women of the movement - @JillyBallistic, @PhoebeNewYork, @WheatpasteWoman, @BianicaDoesNYC, @ButterflyMush, @MyLifeInYellow, @SoulThundre, @MarzipanPhysics, @LoveMKM, @Lik_Mi, @Kies, @Isabelle_Ewing_ and more.
I shutter to realize that the wall was scraped down at the close. Maybe I'll hover around the garbage cans later this week and gather a few remnants. But what we had here - with the art and the documentation - was a little snippet of time and a record of the pasters up (mostly) and working now. I learned a lot.
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